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Nine Gold Medals - Evergreen Workbook Answers

PASSAGE-1   (i)  The event referred to here by the poet is the 'Special Olympics', meant for differently abled people. In this event, the people with some disability compete to win a medal of gold, silver or bronze, according the finish position.   (ii)  The athletes participating in this event were differently abled, meaning that every contestant had some kind of disability in their bodies.    (iii)  Their aim was to win the race, and win themselves a gold medal, for which they had practiced for years. No one wanted to lost the race, or come second, or third, etc.   (iv)  They prepared themselves for this special event by practicing, and training for years. They all put up a lot of hard work to win this race.   (v)  All the participants of the race won it, at the end, as described later in the poem, by finishing all together, holding hands.   PASSAGE-2   (i)  The sports ...

Abou Ben Adhem - Evergreen Workbook Answers

(i)  Abou Ben Adhem was a noble, selfless, and virtuous person. He was one of those people, who always thought of the good of others. He also had a helpful nature. (ii)   This line means that the people, which are like Abour Ben Adhem, meaning which have a humble, helpful, selfless, noble, virtuous, and peace-loving nature, should increase in number. (iii)   While having a peaceful sleep in his room, Abou discovered that there was an angel in the moonlight. The angel was writing something in a golden book. (iv)   The poetic device used in the fourth line is Simile. It is used to describe the beauty, and the appearance of the angel, that appeared in front of Abou. (v)    Abou was quite shocked when he came to know that his name was not amongst those who love God. Despite this, About was not depressed, or disappointed. PASSAGE-2 (i)   In the angel's presence, Abou became bold. What made him bold was the fact that he knew that...